28 Mar Global Crisis – Spiritual View

Beloveds this is a time of new age resurgence, a definite shift in humanity and the way we have conducted ourselves in the past. It is the return of the Divine Feminine.
I am sure you are all stunned and feeling unprepared for what we are currently experiencing on a world scale. These are unprecedented times of change and understanding our being on a soulful level has never been more important.
We are entering a new era a new way of being, an adjustment in humanity, that is well overdue. This shift will be disruptive to the status quo, it must be to find eventual equilibrium. For a while it will feel very messy and surreal, however we are a resilient, adaptive species at the core.
We have forgotten our true nature and many are unsure of what this shift in consciousness will bring. I see an emergence of soul searching, a search for more, but this time not through the acquiring of things, but through the recognition of self-source. What I mean by self-source is the awakening to our connection with source, our vulnerability to mother nature and our inherent basic needs for love, security and connection. Our tribal nature and understanding of the importance of community and the value that these connections bring to souls.
We have become a fearful species with lack of trust and a disconnection from the Divine. These new circumstances will find us quickly connecting, hoping, praying and trusting in a Divine delivery to the new earth that awaits us.
We are no longer living for self alone, there must be a mutual respect for life of all kind, a harmonious existence and flow of natural course, not devouring actions. A true understanding of balance, regeneration and reflective behaviours.
This is not a time for complacency or retreat to a feeling of defeat or fear, but a time for mindful action, inquisitive thought and creation of ideas. An expansion of one’s understanding in playing your part in a society that pivots upon love. Love of the planet, love of the fellow human being and all sentient beings that share this beloved Mother Earth, along with us.
We must all preserve her nature for the benefit of all existence and our own true nature will begin to emerge, our Divine Feminine- nurturing and compassionate ways.
Our collective energies asked for this PAUSE… Many souls have been energetically or subconsciously asking for help from the Universe. Overwhelmed and pressured by the stressful expectations of society. The need to achieve or maintain a certain status, income or appearance. Especially young adults with social media and the pressure to appear as though life is always perfect.
Beautiful one’s, now is the time to be! As the moments are passing quickly! You are here to connect fully in the present and it is a need that is apparent because of the many factors you are seeing play out. This is a time of superseding the old and entering the new.
Many are suffering terribly through this crisis, if you are lucky enough to have a roof over your head and feeling fairly safe and comfortable then you are ahead… Use this time wisely!
The challenge is the timing, do not WAIST this PAUSE! It is momentary and if you do not enjoy it and reflect in it, you will look back at a loss. You will long for it and inadvertently call it in again. Whatever you think of this and how it eventuated, we called in this pause as a collective, the speed of which life was going, was just not sustainable. Have you noticed how one day seems like a week? This is a golden time, use it to get back in touch with yourself, work on parts of you that need healing and reflection… Work on exercising your mind, body and soul! Read all the books you have been meaning to read. Start creating or planning things you haven’t had time to do. Plant some herbs, paint that wall you have been meaning to paint. Create that space for your ritualistic practice where you can light a candle, place your favourite crystals, say a prayer, practice yoga.
BE with your family, partner or self, lovingly! Connect with your children fully, seeing this through together as a whole. This time will be over quicker than it came, make sure you understand yourself better when it ends and that you know where you want to land when it does.
It is a beautiful time if you see the blessings… There is an underlying gratitude and uplifting feeling that waves over me throughout the day, a real sense of awe for what is to come after all of this is over. The age of Aquarius, the Divine Feminine has entered announced! Let’s harness her power and connect with what she is trying to make us see!
Tina xx
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