28 Feb The Gold Leaf Facial – Feel like an Egyptian Goddess

I started out writing this blog about my Gold Facial Treatment, however it quickly turned deep and meaningful! I will get back to the facial but for now stay with me.
I have been drawn to Egyptian beauty ever since I was a young girl. There was a mystery and magical sense enticing me in. The exaggerated eye makeup and the luxurious layers of gold depicted everywhere in Ancient Egyptian culture, fascinated me, in particular the images of Goddess Isis.
I must say I have a bit of an obsession, particularly with the luminosity, ritual and mystery of it all.
Long ago I came to understand the power in taking care of yourself and having pride in your appearance. In whichever way has meaning to you! For me, taking care of the skin is a big part of my own self-care and an integral part of my life’s work.
Taking the time to apply creams to our face and body, to feel the softness it brings at our fingertips, is a ritualistic practice, a moment just for you, an engagement with yourself from a place of self-love.
Some may view this as superficial, but I see it as a necessity, a sacred rite toward understanding ourselves particularly as women, there is nothing superficial about self care.
In this busy lifestyle we all adhere too, ritualistic nurturing and connection with our spirit is forgotten by most. We slap on make-up, to hide the tired eyes, do our hair and dress the body, but it is all done on automatic pilot! We run from one task to another oblivious to our bodies calling. We may quickly glance in the mirror thinking OMG I really have to take care of myself more! Then quickly move on to the next task.
Think about what just happened in that moment, the communication with self… Let’s break it down. We just told our body and soul you are not important right now. My hundred minuscule tasks demand my attention and you! Soul, body & mind must wait your turn! I mean really you are the least important in this scenario – get over it and keep moving!
Ok this may sound exaggerated or harsh, but I am sure it will resonate, even if just a little, it sounds like truth doesn’t it?
I know it has been for me, I have done this many times before in the past. Going to bed after a quick shower, exhausted, not having the strength or mind capacity to open my jars of cream before crashing into bed, no energy left to feed my temple, with this small act of love and kindness. Not taking the time to caress the vehicle that carries me through this incarnation of life. Allowing me to do all these minuscule tasks!! Not loving the soul within the temple enough, to stop in the mirror and say, I see you, I love you, stay with me and bright, I am here for you!!
I have been told of and seen visions of my past lives in Egypt, working within the same field of beauty and healing. I have seen vibrant visuals of great temples, healing hubs, so grand so spacious, adorned in Gold, loved and used by all.
It was a time when all were equally cared for in mind, body and spirit, no matter their status, unfortunately this beautiful practice shifted, however it is shifting again and the Divine Feminine is on the rise. Self-love, nurture and knowledge in the benefits of ritual and spiritual practice is coming to the forefront again!
Even the simple act of cleansing one’s body, if done mindfully, becomes a ritualistic or spiritual practice. Choose natural products that smell and feel good, igniting all your senses.
Indulge every now and again in being treated by a therapist in a ritualistic treatment, that entails music, massage, aromatherapy oil, energy work etc. Like the Gold Facial, I mentioned earlier.
I talk about feeling like an Egyptian Goddess during this facial, because it is so decadent and luxurious.
Apart from the benefits Pure 24ct Gold Leaf brings to the skin, this pure metal has many other benefits. Gold has an extremely high vibration, so too does the rose water used throughout the facial. The products also work within your energetic being. Lifting you to a higher frequency and healing you as well as delivering an amazing glow to your skin.
Gold is Solar energy, which relates to our Solar Plexus chakra, a major energy centre between our heart and lower belly… this is our personal power and manifestation centre. Gold vibrational frequency delivers confidence, vitality, fire and life force, it is the metal of the outer self, the personality and the Divine Masculine in us all. Gold is also a powerful conductor in revitalising, physical energies and radiance. It also symbolises the heavenly realm, thus the importance of it in Ancient Egypt.
Gold assists joyful interaction, with everyday life and stimulates growth not only on a cellular level with super antioxidant and anti-ageing benefits, but also on a Soul level. Invoking strength, determination, passion, creativity and kundalini life force energy, our zest for life and our sexuality. The benefits of gold go on and on!
The Gold leaf also holds a small element pf pure silver, this is extremely important, for the gold would not hold together as a sheet otherwise. Silver not only has powerful anti-bacterial affects, but perfectly balances the Gold on an energetic level. Silver represents Lunar energy the Divine feminine in us all, the mystery and the unconscious. Silver is the metal of the Goddess, the high priestess, it connects us to our inner realms. It is cooling and calming not only on our skin but for our soul, this brings balance to our fiery life force energies, by connecting us with inner mysteries perceiving the truth behind our outer appearances, connecting us with softness and the flow of life through action.
As the gold and silver come together to bring balance & strength, so too must our inner and outer realms work together in the meeting of the Divine feminine & masculine and over all wellness!
These metals are pure and fully massaged and absorbed into your skin for continued cellular stimulation, doing its magic visibly on your skin and energetically working with your soul over the next 30 days!
Wow, what a facial! Truly divinely inspired!
Tina xx
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